
As we start this New Beginning I will share with you each month how to increase your energy, reduce your stress, and transform your life.  Your energy is an important aspect of your life and depending on how much energy you cultivate daily is your performance during the day. We have become so busy and stressed that we have forgotten the basics.

I will share with you the most powerful energy boosters throughout the year. The invitation is that you really set the intention to practice what I will share every month consciously and effectively if you truly want to transform your life.

Booster # 1 GET MORE SLEEP

Sleep is truly tied to every facet of your life, and if you don’t get enough sleep, nothing else will work very well. You can’t replace sleep with a double latte. A lack of sleep is one of the main reasons why people are so tired today, and sleeping more is one of the best ways to boost our energy.  According to David G. Meyers, author of the Pursuit of  Happiness, happy people live active, vigorous lives, yet they reserve time for renewing sleep and solitude. So get some sleep and get happy.  What counts is quality, not quantity. Therefore, sleep until you feel great. Your inner Self will let you know when to wake up or get up. You can tell when you slept well because you feel alert and energized and ready to go.

your own energy experiments and determine how much sleep you need to feel your
best. Go to bed a little earlier each night to see how much sleep makes you
feel the most rested in the morning. The power of a nap is good when you need
it, but no longer than 30 minutes otherwise you can feel more tired.   


Energy Solutions – Jon Gordon

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