
The season in which we live is sweetened for those who would do two things: Once a day envision and intend that which we would create and speak it out loud. And once a week gather with friends, sit in a circle and state our gratitude and intentions to the whole group.

 When we begin to do this, we move from passive to active, from slumber to wakefulness, from pawn to player. And we engage the Laws of the Universe. Therefore powers unseen will co-create with us. Our thoughts and our words are the building blocks of our world. Until recently, we have abdicated our place on the throne of our own power, allowing others to tell us what to build, how to live, where to go, and who to meet.

But now that a new day is here, we are taking back our place on the throne, building a new world from our own designs, with the knowledge that we do have an effect, we can make the difference.  If you feel that you lost your way know that you are supported at all times. You can invoke your Angels as often as you like. Ask them to guide, to guard, and protect you. Allow them to surround you with the light of Creation so that you are safe, free and at peace. In this way, you maintain a powerful environment from which to expand your creation and align with others of light heart and like mind to bring about an infusion of Love, and a way of life to the peoples of Earth so fulfilling, and beautiful, that you and others are uplifted and happy to be in this world.


10 intentions for a better world – Tony Burroughs