
Commitment is a one-pointed intention toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires. Commitment initiated at a deep level of awareness orchestrates its own fulfillment.
Commitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. It enables you to take quantum leaps in creativity, which opens the possibility for new dimensions of awareness. Commitment provides the technology that allows you to break the habits that confine you in the prison of conditioning. Through the power of commitment, your personal intentions engage the forces of nature so that fulfillment becomes your daily reality.
Knowing that your intentions will be spontaneously fulfilled enables you to live a life of freedom, creativity, and joy, without anxiety or strain.

COMMITMENT VERSUS AFFIRMATION: Repeatedly affirming something seldom leads to lasting change. Benefits derive from behaviors; behaviors derive from commitment. What do you want? Are you prepared to take the steps to get it?

There is no reason to change your patterns if you are getting what you need out of life. But if you recognize the need to release inhibiting habits in pursuit of greater happiness, love, well-being, and meaning in your life, commitment is the proven path.

I invite you to commit to developing a daily meditation practice that works for you so you can manifest all your intentions in Divine Time. As a collective consciousness let us commit to being at PEACE so we can see PEACE in the world. If you want to see a change, be the change.


10 intentions for a better world – Tony Burroughs