
Once you have made up your mind and determined a course of action, further thinking May not be useful.

In fact, the constant urge to think it through one more time- without taking action-May just be a form of procrastination. Only when you give your undivided attention to what you are doing can you get into this wonderfully flowing state that makes you forget time and brings joy to whatever you do.

To get into this state, thinking and planning need to be separated from implementing and executing. Don’t consume information and try to create something at the same time. It may take a bit of practice; especially in our thought-consumed lives where we seldom have the space to concentrate without the distraction of new information coming into our consciousness. However, it’s certainly worth practicing not only because it boosts productivity but also because everything is more fun when you are flowing.

Try it out next time you have a problem to solve or challenge to overcome. Think carefully and choose your course of action before you start anything. Then give it all you’ve got. Be in the Flow of life.

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