
As we start this New Year; I feel grateful to have the opportunity to share with you all different messages of Peace, Love, happiness, strength, and encouragement.

I know how difficult 2020 was but the good news is that now is a new beginning and no matter how hard any situation might be we are ready to go through it because the year 2020 made us stronger and ready for anything, at least this is how I feel.

My invitation this year is to guide you each month with a positive principle and make you feel better as we navigate challenging situations.


MANTRA: Breath, let go, and trust that everything always unfolds perfectly and just as you need it to. Focus on the present moment and live in the Now. Know that everything will fall in place in Divine time.

MANTRA ACTION: The dark is greedy, but you are BRIGHT. During your meditation practice (or when times are tough) close your eyes gently and bring your attention to your heart center, once you feel your loving energy then you open your eyes and look up and find the sun in the dark. Look at the clear blue sky and feel grateful in that very moment because no matter how hard the situation is you have the eyes to find the light.

MANTRA BENEFIT: Tough times can be very negative and dark. However once you find PEACE in your heart, you can seek refuge there. The act of looking up to the sky with your spiritual eyes opens your heart more and allows in more light.

You feel alive, awake, and alert.

Which makes you remember that everything will be alright.

Based on the book “Find your Mantra” by Aysel Gunar

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