
You live and learn. You grow and move on. Focus on the choices you make today. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Live on purpose, be yourself, and be kind. Take chances, make mistakes, and learn from them.

Follow your dreams. Say “YES!! And not “YEAH, but…” Your life is a beautiful masterpiece.

You are everything you are searching for. You have all you need to create what you want, to do what you want, and to be the best version of yourself. Therefore, All I need is within ME.

Everything happens for a reason. The purpose may be hidden, but deep in your heart, you know this is the path you should be on right now. Every single step is carrying you along your journey with lessons to learn, to grow, and to become who you are meant to be.

Why worry? When you worry about something. You suffer it twice. Live more mindfully, fearlessly, and with an open heart. Be present at this moment. Practice gratitude and trust the journey that it leads you on. Let your “what ifs” be positive rather than the worst possible outcome.

MANTRA ACTION: Remove the word “mistake” from your vocabulary. You no longer mess up; you only open yourself up to opportunities for learning and growth. An effective practice for calming persistent worry is to inhale the word “LET” and exhale the word “GO” do this meditation and let go of anything that worries you.

MANTRA BENEFIT: The life you lead will not be without a touch of problems, but if you know in your heart that these challenges were worth it the “YES” you committed to, you will no longer experience the ‘WHAT IFS?” Practicing meditation techniques daily will offer you a different way of perception, therefore you will not react to problems the same way instead you will accept what is and go with the flow of life in a more positive way.