
The most powerful way to supercharge and boost your happiness is to be in the state of gratitude. For example when you write a letter thanking someone who has made a difference in your life. This simple act of expressing your gratitude makes you feel happy. Whether because we are connecting with someone who has helped give our life meaning, or whether the act of writing the letter and sharing it with someone special gives meaning to our life, happiness experts agreed that this strategy increases happiness, boosts joy, and causes us to pause and remember what is important in life.

Instead of thinking about where we want to go next in our life, a visit of gratitude allows us to remember where we have been and recognize the people who helped us along the way. The gratitude visit provides us with a positive remembrance of our past, and this fuels our present life with positive energy and positive meaning.

Life is all about good moments, and memories, and when we take the time to recall great memories, moments and people, we receive and incredible energy boost. Remember that two thoughts cannot occupy your mind at the same time. So if you are being grateful, you won’t be feeling negative emotions or sorry for yourself. Instead of thinking of things that drain your energy; you will be thinking of people who recognize you. Not to mention the incredible positive energy boost received by the person on the receiving end of the gratitude visit.

But remember, sharing happiness and positive energy is not a one-time event. The positive energy we share affects everyone around us and all the people that we get in contact with.

In conclusion, the LOVE you share today fertilizes the hearts and souls of others, producing bountiful harvests for generations to come.

                                            BE GRATEFUL EVERYDAY

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