
The key part of our survival and happiness is kindness and engaging and receiving in acts of kindness. The plain truth is that we need one and other.

We are all part of the collective energy that lights the stars, fires up the sun, and makes the world go round. We are all little pieces of energy that contribute to the whole sea of life. Therefore, it is essential for us to help and communicate with one another to maintain not only the health of our outer world but our inner world as well.

At our core of our being we are creatures who are born to be kind, and when we practice kindness, we increase our health and happiness.

For example; there are many different strategies and techniques that increase our happiness. One of the successful happiness boosters is performing acts of kindness—such as volunteering for a charity, opening the door for someone, feeding the homeless, or taking elderly neighbors grocery shopping.

The great thing about acts of kindness is that they don’t have to take your entire day. They can be short, meaningful, heartfelt acts of kindness that take a minute or two.

By engaging in just few acts of kindness that take up a total of 10 minutes, you can shine your light on your community and within yourself. The intention is to boost your energy and happiness by boosting the energy and happiness of someone else. Practice the following action steps and get out there and share some kindness.


Think about your life and your daily schedule and identify simple ways you can engage in acts of kindness. Write a few ideas in your journal.

Commit to engaging in two of these acts today; look for appointments to engage in random acts of kindness. By focusing on sharing kindness and placing your attention on kindness, you will attract more situations and appointments to be kind.

Keeps positive energy flowing. Positive energy never decreases by being shared. Rather with each gift, it grows exponentially greater than the power of thousand stars.

At the end of the day, write in your journal how it felt to engage in this acts of kindness.