
As we go through life we must be mindful that the people we surround ourselves with have a tremendous impact on our energy level. There are those who bring you up and those who bring you down. While learning how to deal with people who drain our energy is an important lesson in our Journey.

The suggestion is to build our energy foundation with people who support us and energize us.

We must make time for people who make us feel great. We must connect with others who give and receive positive energy with us. But most important we must let go of those relationships that don’t serve us anymore, those that make us feel depleted and unhappy. The truth is that relationships should be for you to enjoy the presence of those around you and feel the connection between you and those that you are with.

Here are few tips to create an energy foundation of positive people in your life:

*Make a list of people who increase your energy. Maybe is your boss, coworker, relative, spouse, parent, boyfriend, girlfriend, or friend. Schedule time with these people each week if possible. You might get together once a week with a friend or mentor for breakfast or lunch. Or you may get together with a group of friends each week. Or you may connect your energizers once a week to feel the uplifting energy.

*Share your goals and visions with your supporters. Ask for their support as you make positive changes in your life. Even better, make the effort to make positive changes together with your energizers.

*Start a positive energy group and organize a weekly gathering of positive people where you discuss only positive things, read positive books, and engage in positive acts.

*Remember to connect with the people who energize you often and stay away from the negative and toxic people as much as you can.

*Remember to also take time to connect with your pets. Even when they are animals they also bring a lot of joy and energy into your life if you have them if you don’t have pets just enjoy Nature and feel the connection with the wildlife, it is very healing for your wellbeing